Our Mission
The purpose of the FWA is to protect and defend the workforce of Florida and particularly the rights of Florida‘s injured workers by providing a medium for cooperation and continuing education among lawyers representing the interests of injured and disabled workers and other persons interested in promoting injured workers and providing fair and just treatment to those workers who suffer workplace injuries and those who are dependent upon them.
Our Latest News
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA): Avoiding Malpractice Traps Part Three – Is There a Right to Subrogation or Reimbursement Because Your Client is Getting Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
Now that you know there is an issue you can’t ignore, you have to determine if the disability and/or group health carrier or plan has a legal right to reimbursement or subrogation and, if so, how that impacts the case. The starting point is the ERISA plan and not the...
Weighing Your Options: Structuring Medicare Set-Aside Allocations
William Mathews III (wmathews@ringlerassociates.com - (813) 431-7533) Scott Hoover (shoover@ringlerassociates.com - (407) 478-6622) Jeffrey Klugerman (jklugerman@ringlerassociates.com - (954) 349-2033) It is not often that you can utilize a valuable tool at no cost...
Specialty Allocations: Now offering Rehabilitation Vocational Services!
Now offering Rehabilitation Vocational Services! Starting January 1st, 2024 Services include but are not limited to: Labor Market Survey, Job Analysis, Loss of Income Survey, Vocational Evaluation, Expert Witness Unlocking Opportunities The Benefits of Vocational...