Our Mission
The purpose of the FWA is to protect and defend the workforce of Florida and particularly the rights of Florida‘s injured workers by providing a medium for cooperation and continuing education among lawyers representing the interests of injured and disabled workers and other persons interested in promoting injured workers and providing fair and just treatment to those workers who suffer workplace injuries and those who are dependent upon them.
Our Latest News
How to Organize Your Florida Law Firm To Grow Your Profits
A common misconception amongst small Florida law firm owners is that growth is measured by the number of people in the business. However, true growth of any business is achieved through an increase in profit. The only way to achieve this objective is to improve your...
The Hidden Benefit Of A Needs-Based Approach
We’ve all been there – the employer or carrier makes a great settlement offer, but the injured worker (the client) is reluctant to accept. Or worse, the client hastily accepts a suboptimal offer from the employer without thoughtful consideration of their future...
First DCA Clarifies “Arising Out of” Issue In Soya Decision
Recently, the First District Court of Appeal issued an opinion in Soya v. Health First, Inc., Case No. 1D21-59 (Fla. 1st DCA Feb. 22, 2022), that added some much needed clarity to the “arising out of” requirement in Florida Workers’ Compensation...