Our Mission
The purpose of the FWA is to protect and defend the workforce of Florida and particularly the rights of Florida‘s injured workers by providing a medium for cooperation and continuing education among lawyers representing the interests of injured and disabled workers and other persons interested in promoting injured workers and providing fair and just treatment to those workers who suffer workplace injuries and those who are dependent upon them.
Our Latest News
Structuring Attorney Fees in Workers Compensation Cases: A Comprehensive Guide
By: RinglerScott Hoover (shoover@ringlerassociates.com – (407) 478-6622)Jeffrey Klugerman (jklugerman@ringlerassociates.com – (954) 349-2033)William Mathews III (wmathews@ringlerassociates.com – (727) 822-3346) Workers Compensation cases involve complex legal and...
The Legal Trifecta: Exploring Overlaps Between Workers’ Compensation and Employment Laws.
Every area of law comes with its own complexities and workers’ compensation law is no different. There are several instances where workers’ compensation law collides with other areas of the law. Specifically, often employment law concepts must be analyzed with...
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA): Our Tips to Help You Avoid Malpractice Traps
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act, commonly known as ERISA, was designed to safeguard the interests of participants and beneficiaries in these plans. However, as with many federal laws, has evolved over the years to be more of a burden on the very...