“Mediating” a Claimant’s Case begins far in advance of the actual Mediation
"Mediation" begins at the Claimant's deposition……. Following the Claimant's deposition, the E/C attorney prepares and sends a summary of the deposition to their clients. Most importantly, the overwhelming majority of defense attorneys are required by most carriers and...
Why Legal Funding
Why Legal Funding Bridging The Gap Benefits of Advance Payments Legal funding, also known as lawsuit funding or settlement funding, serves as a financial lifeline for individuals involved in legal disputes or awaiting settlements. This Advance Payment is designed to...
How Medicare Knows About Your Settlement: New WCMSA TPOC Requirements
By John Kane, AIC, MSCC, CMSP-F, Senior Vice President, Strategy, Ametros You are heading to your favorite summer destination on the highway and about to pull out and pass a car. You have your blinker on and a quick check of the mirror, all clear right? Wrong, as you...
Walgreens Closures Signal Mounting Retail Pharmacy Uncertainty
By Arianna Ashby For several years now, there have been growing retail pharmacy tensions, leading to concerns of reliability surrounding retail pharmacies and their ability to serve the workers’ compensation industry. Injured workers traditionally faced unique...
The 34th Annual FWA conference at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress, Orlando was a smashing success. For those of you who may have missed it, we were fortunate to have an outstanding program of continuing education (with a Back to the Future) theme and, as always top...
Securing the Legal Practice: Cybersecurity Measures for Law Firms in the Digital Age
In today's digital era, cybersecurity is no longer just a consideration. This is particularly evident in the legal profession, as the Florida Bar is laser focused on implementing measures relative to cybersecurity, especially for solo and smaller firms, which...
Today’s MSA Will Exhaust Without Cost Containment
April 24, 2023 by Aaron Winnell A Medicare Set-Aside (MSA) is a device intended to fund expenses in the future, but it’s a product of the here and now. MSAs are priced based on today’s costs. But inflation assures that tomorrow’s healthcare costs will outstrip...
Cutting Edge Management of Post Concussive Syndrome
In the past several years concussions have recently started receiving the attention they deserve. Post Concussive Syndrome (PCS) is a clinical syndrome characterized by immediate and transient alteration in brain functioning. This may include altered mental status and...
Analyzing the Department of Labor’s Final Rule Through the Lens of the Florida Workers’ Compensation Laws
Earlier this year, the Department of Labor issued a final rule that went into effect on March 11, 2024, and it has left many attorneys handling labor and employment cases wondering how this rule will affect their practice area. More specifically, how this final rule...
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA): Avoiding Malpractice Traps Part Three – Is There a Right to Subrogation or Reimbursement Because Your Client is Getting Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
Now that you know there is an issue you can’t ignore, you have to determine if the disability and/or group health carrier or plan has a legal right to reimbursement or subrogation and, if so, how that impacts the case. The starting point is the ERISA plan and not the...
Weighing Your Options: Structuring Medicare Set-Aside Allocations
William Mathews III (wmathews@ringlerassociates.com - (813) 431-7533) Scott Hoover (shoover@ringlerassociates.com - (407) 478-6622) Jeffrey Klugerman (jklugerman@ringlerassociates.com - (954) 349-2033) It is not often that you can utilize a valuable tool at no cost...
Specialty Allocations: Now offering Rehabilitation Vocational Services!
Now offering Rehabilitation Vocational Services! Starting January 1st, 2024 Services include but are not limited to: Labor Market Survey, Job Analysis, Loss of Income Survey, Vocational Evaluation, Expert Witness Unlocking Opportunities The Benefits of Vocational...