FWA – Synergy Scholarship Award Recipients 2016
Florida Workers’ Advocates, with the support of our Platinum Sponsor, Synergy Settlement Services, established a scholarship award in 2016 for worthy student applicants and is proud to continue this award in 2017. With this in mind, your help is needed in identifying students from among the families of your clients who meet the criteria for this award.
As set forth in the application, “The Florida Workers Advocates Scholarship Award is for the individual or individuals chosen by review of a committee of the Florida Workers’ Advocates Board of Directors. The applicant must be either the natural child and/or dependent of an injured worker involved in and affected by a Florida workers’ compensation injury. The impact that the Florida Workers’ Compensation system has had on the applicant and his or her family will be strongly considered. Candidates must be a high school graduate or completing their last semester of high school when applying. Candidates must be accepted into an accredited two- or four-year college or university, an accredited technical school, or an accredited graduate or professional school, in pursuit of a degree.”
Please see the application here for additional application requirements.
The deadline for submission of applications for this year’s awards is May 1, 2017.
Thanks in advance for your assistance in providing the scholarship application to potential applicants.